Master storyteller, New York Times bestselling author, award-winning filmmaker, mental health advocate, and powerful workshop facilitator.

Book Laura To Speak
Laura Morton is a highly sought after speaker who has been moving audiences for years with her powerful speeches and memorable storytelling. Her dynamic and charismatic style leaves an unforgettable impression while sharing heartwarming, funny and poignant life lessons collected over the years.

The Value of Powerful Storytelling- Stories are fundamental to how we think about the world, but more so, how we think about ourselves and others and how others see us. They’ve been around since the beginning of time and yet, so few people have truly mastered the art of storytelling. By simply asking someone, “What’s your story?” you will find they usually fumble over their words to find a cohesive answer. While most companies aren’t strangers to telling stories, they do so with every press release, tweet, Facebook posting and advertisement they display, these are external stories….carefully crafted messages meant to persuade people into buying their products, services or supporting their causes. Interestingly, most company leaders don’t feel comfortable or are less sure of how to articulate an internal story for their organization—a unifying narrative that all employees can grasp to help them work more effectively, creatively and independently. A compelling story—one made up of a clear narrative allows others to appreciate the overall vision of where a company is headed. It helps define the corporate DNA and differentiates a company from the crowd. In this highly charged presentation, Morton shares her expert secrets to fearless storytelling in three must have tips to help any organization understand the extreme value of storytelling, what story they must tell and how to tell it in a compelling way in her awe inspiring and riveting speech drawn from Morton’s unique perspective and experiences as a bestselling author and leading authority in storytelling.
We are ALL Warriors- What is a warrior? To Laura Morton, a warrior is someone who is brave, courageous, compassionate, genuine, authentic, action oriented and someone who advocates for a cause. A warrior is also someone who perseveres in the face of adversity, exhibits unwavering strength, lives life with dignity and with an indomitable spirit. This speech is a fearless attack on living everyday life in the warrior mindset—its breaking free of worry, not being attached to the opinions of others and living an authentic life. When Morton chose to become a single mom in her 40’s—a decision which at the time, was bold and brave, she was actually required to undergo a psychological “evaluation” before the NYC IVF doctors would agree to treat her. She ultimately went through 7 rounds of IVF without telling anyone what she was doing because she didn’t want to and couldn’t afford to jeopardize her career opportunities. At the time, she thought this was a true warrior story until she finally became pregnant at the age of 43. That’s when she came to understand the true meaning of “warrior mom”—at least warrior mom to be…She delivered a book to her publisher 2 days before delivering her daughter without her editor ever knowing she was pregnant. In typical Morton style, she never skipped a beat. After giving birth, life as a warrior mom had instantly begun. As women, we fight for our family, our loved ones, our communities and the causes we believe in. We put ourselves last on the list, of course until something happens that forces us to become warriors in our own lives and fight for ourselves….and that’s when the word warrior can take on even deeper meaning and purpose. 7 years later, Morton would become a warrior yet again, only this time fighting a foe known as breast cancer. Refusing to be defined by her disease, this is an uplifting, inspirational speech of overcoming adversity by turning everyday obstacles into opportunities and facing down her fear and becoming an everyday victor instead of victim told through humor, perseverance and heartwarming depth.
What I’ve Learned from Telling/Writing Other People’s
Life Stories-undoubtedly one of Laura Morton’s most popular speeches, this is “the BEST of” life lessons world renowned collaborator to the stars Laura Morton has collected throughout the years writing more than 40 books with a variety of personalities from all walks of life….She has been rock stars, politicians, rival soap stars, reality stars, child stars, a sitcom star, morning show hosts, hard news journalist, health advocates, and a bounty hunter. She has been kidnapped, in prison for manslaughter, has been the top male super model, a race car driver, donned the cover of Sports Illustrated in a swimsuit, been in one of the greatest boy band’s in history, a mega pop star, has founded several billion dollar companies and yes, is The MindFreak who can levitate in front of thousands of people. She has been born again, Jewish, Mormon, Christian, Buddhist, Catholic and Christian; She is gay, straight, bi, curious and so much more…..She created the 4 addictions and the back seat ministry, is the ultimate politician---and through all of this, can tell you one surprising similarity almost every celebrity shares in common (you will never guess it!) No one has had a better perspective, has done a deeper sociological study or has had a deeper inside look at life, what it takes to succeed and the tremendous lessons each of these fascinating personalities has shared on the most personal an intimate level. The gifts of failure, friendship, family and “faking it til you make it.” Morton has heard and learned it all from the very best. Funny, poignant and truly unforgettable.....
Life in the Rear View Mirror-there’s remarkable power in reflection and letting go of the past, an addiction that holds a lot of people hostage and keeps them stuck in life-- but it requires looking the art of healthily looking backward to positively move forward. What was once a giant blurry image in the windshield one day becomes a distant memory and brief moment in time simply mentioned in passing. This is the story of how we get from “here” to “there…” When we live life in crisis we can only deal with crisis. The goal is to let go—which is not forgetting but accepting what life has brought to us, embracing the gifts of adversity, learning to move on with positivity and believing that life is happening FOR us and not To us.
Through My Daughter’s Eyes-When life comes full circle—this is the deeply heartfelt story of how Laura Morton lost her mom to cancer in 1975, at age 10 and then being diagnosed with breast cancer 40 years later in 2015 at 50. This news came 2 weeks after the publication of Joan Lunden's cancer memoir, Had I Known, which Morton co-wrote and on the heels of reassuring her young daughter that not all mommies get cancer and not all mommies die. Life can and often does surprise us, changing in unexpected ways in an instant. This is the healing, moving and poignant full circle life lessons learned by experiencing her 7 year old daughter’s journey as she watched Morton go through her own cancer battle—just as she did her own mother 40 years earlier—it’s an intimate look at mother/daughter relationships, what they shared throughout their very personal experience, how it changed their lives, brought them closer, opened up their conversations and created a stronger family connection.
They Told Me I Couldn’t… So I Did Anyway—Laura Morton’s entire career can be described in one sentence: it didn’t go as planned and that’s ok with me. This is the story of how she failed her Series 7, became a successful headhunter, sold Chrysler 75,000 copies of her career videotape, “Successful Interviewing”, then started her own successful production company, locked Richard Simmons in a limo, fed him Haagan Dasz ice cream to get him to work, was told her first book was a horrible idea, sold it for $750,000 anyway and put it on the New York Times Bestseller list having never written a book and then went on to write more than 40 books and 19 more New York Times bestsellers….it’s even more interesting than it sounds….This is the story of what you do and how you approach everyday matters more than what you do every once in a while….It’s the ultimate story about the art of reinvention, staying relevant in an every changing landscape, having an insatiable willingness to grow, change and by all means never letting anyone else dictate the outcome of your life. Morton doesn’t hear the word NO and doesn’t allow other people’s beliefs to hold back hers. You are in charge of your destiny. When you take the reins, you take control of your journey. Don’t let anyone else say you can’t because according to Morton…you can!
The High Worth of World Class Collaborative Relationships- To many, Laura Morton is considered one of the world’s top “ghostwriters” but she hates that label, preferring the title of world class collaborator because that is the art of what she does. By her own admission, the best work is always the product and in the spirit of a true collaborative effort between people who are doing what they love. She has created a groundbreaking and inspirational speech that draws from her experiences as the “top gun” collaborator in publishing and brings those principles into the workforce. When you create world class collaborations within an organization, you build morale, productivity and ultimately profit. When you grow your people first, your business ultimately grows.
Understanding “FEAR—False Evidence Appearing Real” The saying FEAR, False Evidence Appearing Real is written on a white piece of paper and taped to the wall in Laura Morton’s 7 year old daughter’s bedroom. Every day when she comes home from school, she is asked to tell her mother one thing she tried and failed at….to Morton, if she didn’t fail, she didn’t try hard enough. Morton is raising her young daughter not to be afraid of failing but to embrace it. For most people, FEAR is the greatest hurdle that holds us back in life—especially young girls. We are all born with 2 fears only---the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises—every other fear is learned. If we learn it, we can overcome it. Breaking through FEAR has been one of Morton’s greatest assets throughout her career. It has opened more doors than any other skill or trade and has proven fruitful time and time again. Fearless living is freedom to start over, begin anew, whether its career, relationship, health or any other area of your life. This presentation presents the tools and secrets to start living a truly fearless life.
Everyone has a LIFE Story-Living a Life of Significance—Laura Morton is the leading expert in telling other people’s life stories. One commonality she hears is that people want their lives to mean something. To have had purpose. But what does it means to live a life of significance? How do you get there and stay intentional by adding value to others through your actions every day? This is a moving and powerful presentation filled with stories and lessons about learning to turn the page and letting go of the past, realizing there is more to the book of life than the page you’re stuck on, closing the chapter on hurt, pain and anger and never going back to re-read it again by staying intentional in your everyday actions, learning to live your best and most meaning life of significance.
The Art of Collaboration/the Memoir-the telling of one’s life story is one of the greatest challenges any author faces. Having written more than 40 memoirs and 19 NY Times bestsellers, Laura Morton has become one of the leading experts in the field--the go to for those who can't do it themselves. Several years ago she was called to a meeting with famed director Blake Edwards late in his career. Edward’s shared how many times he had sat down to write his memoir and had met great frustrations that while he could write about other people, he found it extremely difficult to write about himself, a common hurdle even for the best writers. Regretfully, he never did write his autobiography…though he and so many of his fans surely wanted him to. There is an art to sharing a life on the page—and this speech will help the audience find their voice, focus their thoughts and get started on the process.
* Morton is also a host, moderator and expert interviewer